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Home services dental prevention

dental prevention in costa rica

As its name indicates, dental prevention aims to prevent possible complications in the patient's oral health, this is basically achieved with excellent oral hygiene and regular visits to our dental clinic in Escazú and Desamparados.

dental prevention
How does this treatment work?

The science that is in charge of the study of the oral environment and everything that implies the prevention of complications and diseases of this environment is known as preventive dentistry.

Following the advice and indications of professionals and maintaining good oral health habits are fundamental keys to maintaining optimal dental health.

There are three types of prevention:

Primary: At this stage the chances of contracting an oral disease or infection are reduced. This phase is made up of the measures that are recommended to prevent the condition from occurring.

Secondary: This phase is applied when the first failure, that is, once the disease has already reached the patient's mouth. For this reason, this stage consists of interrupting and preventing the condition from complicating through specific treatments recommended by our specialists at the dental center.

Tertiary: This prevention is taken into account once the disease is established. It is responsible for restricting the condition and preventing it from leading to any other oral disorder.

dental prevention
Advantages of oral prevention

Maintaining excellent oral hygiene contributes to having clean teeth, free of tartar and bad breath.

Avoid frequent problems such as bleeding gums, cavities and unwanted stains on the teeth.

Stops the development of more severe oral problems such as periodontitis and even the loss of teeth due to infections or cavities.

How to take care of our mouth?

The patient can care for and maintain their oral health from home, through habits such as daily oral hygiene and a healthy diet, as well as avoiding smoking and alcohol, among other recommendations.

In addition to these practices, it is also recommended to be constant in some treatments such as dental cleaning, consult in case of any discomfort, consult professionals to find out if they should undergo any oral process such as orthodontics or sealants.




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